
Thursday, 22 January 2015

Before I Die

There's always at least one thing that you really want to do before you die. It could be something exhilarating like sky diving or swimming with sharks, or it could be something considered as a 'normal' thing to do (whatever normal is) such as graduating from university, or learning to drive. 

Leave in the comments a list of things you want to do before you die, but for now here is a list of 10 things that are on my bucket list.

Let's start of 'normal':
1. Graduate from university with a history degree

2. Learn how to drive

3. Get married

4. Buy my own house

5. Have 3 children (hopefully 2 girls and a boy called Emily, Mali and Jacob. As you can see I've had a lot of time to think about this and when I say a lot, I mean a lot)

Now let's get into the nitty-gritty of it:
6. Travel to Australia 

7. Road trip around Europe (with the lovely Eimy)

8. Go sky diving

9. Swim with sharks

10. Climb to the top of a mountain (don't ask me why, it just really want to)

As well as doing all these relatively fun to extremely exciting activities I also really want to raise money for charities such as for autism as I know a lot of people - children and adults - with autism. I also want to raise money for Teenage Cancer Trust as I think it's such a great charity that do amazing work. 

Life is what you make of it, if you're idea of an ideal life is to start a family, work for a living and just have a quite life or if you want to have a life filled with adrenaline rushes and full of adventure, go for it! It's your life, you do what you want to do to make yourself happy. 

"Now and then it's good to pause in our pursuit of happiness and just be happy." ~ Guillaume Apollinaire 

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