
Saturday, 21 March 2015

Apreciate the little things in life

Tonight I was out in the garden with my dogs when the sun was starting to set. It was beautiful. That was the moment I realised how incredibly lucky I am to live somewhere where I can see beautiful sunsets, breathtaking scenery and suroundings. 

I had no idea how much I took this for granted untill last week when I took my self for a walk to explore a little. I don't think anyone realises what beauty lies on their doorstep unless you go out and see it for yourself. It's all very well having people tell you what's out there and showing you photos, and although photos capture the beauty of the land, it can't convey it fully. 

Go out and see it for yourself. Become an explorer for the day and go and seek the beauty that lies on your door step. Sunshine, rain, snow, fog; the land can be outstanding in so many different weathers so go out whatever the weather and see true beauty for yourself. 

Just make sure before you go out, the land you want to explore is public, and if it's private ask the land owner for permission to walk on their land. If you don't ask and go on the land anyway it is trespassing, so make sure to ask for permission from the land owner before you go out walking. If you don't want to ask for permission to walk on private land, then find land that is open to the public. 

Like I said, you'll never know what's there's if you don't go looking it.